Every year, 10 million hectares of forest are destroyed. 90 % of global deforestation is due to agricultural use. The world's population is growing and with it the need for living space, food and raw materials. However, this has far-reaching consequences. Many creatures are being robbed of their natural habitat, many species are threatened by extinction, and thus the biodiversity of many regions of the world is threatened. But there are also positive developments. For example, 17 % of the world's landscape is now considered protected territory, over 140 nations have signed the Nagoya Protocol, which regulates fair access to genetic resources, and the UN has launched the International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22 to raise awareness of the issue. GIZ is also involved in many projects to protect natural habitats and ecosystems. The Forests4Future project is committed to the conservation and restoration of forests on the African continent. If you want to know more about it, take a look at the Forests4Future page.