Course image digital: Language training in English, French and Spanish (from B1)



  • Typical and advanced communication situations in everyday and professional life
  • Intercultural and gender-related aspects of communication

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: Yes
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 December 2023


In this course you will work on the following topics:

  • Important communication skills for your everyday life and professional context
  • Characteristics and structural attributes of the selected language
  • Important aspects of pronunciation
  • Intercultural and gender-related aspects

Course image Development Policy – Implementing the Agenda 2030

  • Indicators for describing progress and development
  • Architecture of development cooperation and actors in the field
  • Principles of the Agenda 2030
  • Human rights, diversity and gender as focal points in development cooperation
  • Challenges of transformational change

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: Yes
Course start date: 7 April 2023
Course end date: 11 July 2023
Course image Language training in English, French and Spanish



  • Typical and advanced communication situations in everyday and professional life
  • Intercultural and gender-related aspects of communication

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: Yes
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 December 2023


In this course you will work on the following topics:

  • Important communication skills for your everyday life and professional context
  • Characteristics and structural attributes of the selected language
  • Important aspects of pronunciation
  • Intercultural and gender-related aspects

Course image digital: Viren, Bakterien, Parasiten – Gut geschützt im Auslandseinsatz



  • reflecting on the framework conditions, backgrounds, structures and processes in your country of destination
  • getting to know important stakeholders, social groups and the organisations in the country
  • analysing conflicts, violence and fragility on a country-specific basis
  • gaining better understanding of communication and behaviour patterns and how to respond to them
  • identifying possible areas of tension 

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: No
Course start date: 5 May 2023
Course end date: 10 July 2023

Du beschäftigst Dich mit den wichtigsten Krankheitserregern im Auslandseinsatz und erfährst, wie Du Dich durch präventive Maßnahmen schützen kannst. Auch lernst Du typische Symptome zu erkennen und welche Schritte im Falle einer Erkrankung zu ergreifen sind. Du bekommst endlich mal fundierte Informationen und Fakten an die Hand, um mit Halbwahrheiten und Fehlinformationen aufzuräumen.

Course image Präsentieren im Internationalen Kontext (Spanisch/Französisch)

  • Clés pour une prise de parole réussie
  • Communication non verbale
  • Visualisation
  • Langue française
  • Aspects interculturels

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: Yes
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 December 2023

In diesem Kurs lernst Du:

  • Aufbau einer Präsentation
  • Visualisierung
  • Körpersprache
  • Fremdsprachliche Redemittel
  • Interkulturelle Aspekte und Genderrollen

Course image Moderieren im internationalen Kontext (Spanisch/Französisch)


  • Tasks and roles of a facilitator
  • Rules and processes of facilitation
  • Visualisation
  • Means of expression for shaping the facilitation process
  • Intercultural and gender-specific aspects of facilitation

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: Yes
Course start date: 27 April 2023
Course end date: 10 July 2023

In diesem Kurs lernst Du:

  • Aufgaben und Rollen von ModeratorInnen
  • Regeln und Ablauf der Moderation
  • Visualisierung
  • Redemittel zur Gestaltung des Moderationsprozesses
  • Interkulturelle und Aspekte und Genderrollen

Course image First Aid in Assignments Abroad

  • Making contact with the injured, checking vital functions
  • Disorders of consciousness, breathing and circulation
  • Bone fractures, wounds, dangerous bleeding
  • Recognising shock and reacting appropriately
  • Provision of a first aid kit in the project context

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: No
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 December 2023
Course image Introduction Course Local Languages


  • Important phrases for everyday life
  • Characteristics and structural attributes of the local language
  • Important aspects of pronunciation
  • Reflecting on culturally determined linguistic conventions
  • Intercultural and gender-related aspects


Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: No
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 October 2023

This full-time language training offers a one-week introduction into one of more than 70 local languages. It serves as an orientation training for beginners. During this introduction course you will gain basic knowledge and understanding of the selected language. This will set the foundation for your communication in your selected local language, help you to find your way around your new location and establish relations with your cooperation partners more easily.

In this course you will work on the following topics:

  • Important phrases for everyday life
  • Characteristics and structural attributes of the local language
  • Important aspects of pronunciation
  • Reflection on intercultural and gender-related aspects

Course image Lebensrettende Maßnahmen im Auslandseinsatz

  • Erstversorgung bei Unfällen und in Notfällen
  • Kontaktaufnahme, Prüfen der Vitalfunktion
  • Störungen des Bewusstseins, von Atmung und Kreislauf
  • Knochenbrüche und Wunden, bedrohliche Blutungen
  • Schock erkennen und entsprechende Maßnahmen durchführen

Kurszeitraum (für Zertifikat): Not yet started - None
Course source language: none
Practical consultation: No
Course start date: 1 January 2023
Course end date: 31 December 2023